Monday 6th November until
Friday 10th November 2023
Juliet Grayson is running this 4 day residential workshop … using a very powerful method that really helps people to make changes in their lives and move issues forward. By making it residential it will allow time for the process to deepen, and for individuals to make deeper changes.
I would personally highly recommend this experience,
I have been on 3 residentials now and found them
all deeply helpful!
John Wilson
Trainer, Psychotherapist & co-founder of Online Events
Why would you attend a Pesso Boyden Personal Development Workshop? What can you expect to gain? Almost any problem you have had difficulty resolving may be able to be helped. Our history directly affects how we experience events today….if I have been roughly treated by an authority figure I may not expect authority figures in my life today to be kind to me. If I had a difficult relationship with my mother then I may have trouble relating to other women in my life. Often it is more subtle, and in working with people who have had more than ten years of one to one therapy, when they do a session they say ‘I never realised that was connected to this issue’. We also welcome people who have had no therapy at all, and are just beginning a journey of self awareness and personal development…and all the shades in between.
This workshop will take place at the EarthSpirit Centre in Somerset, which is situated in a beautiful landscape. The seventeenth century farm buildings have been restored and specially converted for use as a venue. They are set within seven acres of fields and gardens, next to two nature reserves; and just two minutes walk from St Andrew’s church, which has within its cemetery a yew tree over 1,700 years old.
Venue Earthspirit, Dundon, Somerset, TA11 6PE. The venue is suitable for people with disabilities, but please let us know if you have special needs.
Timings Participants arrive between 6.30 and 8pm on Monday evening.
NB There is no supper provided – so bring a cold picnic for yourself. When you arrive find your way to the kitchen, and someone will show you to your room. The workshop will start on Tuesday morning promptly at 9 a.m. in the hall. The days will be rich and the schedule is full. There will be an evening session on most, or all of the days. The workshop is designed to be fully residential. On the final day we will aim to finish by 3.00-3.15 pm and we need to vacate the premises by 3.30 pm.
Give yourself 2 days off after the workshop! This workshop is a deep and powerful experience. Juliet strongly recommends that you give yourself at least 2 very quiet days, where you are not working or socialising, after the workshop. This will help you with integration and ‘landing’ back into your normal life.
Costs I am separating the cost of the accommodation from the cost of the workshop. This is for transparency, though both payments will be made to Interaction Training Limited at the time of booking.
Cost of Workshop for those who want a structure place (where you have a client session) £540. This includes one Structure (client session). NB Payment in full is due by September 6th 2022, unless you have arranged to make part payments over time. If full payment has not been received by September 6th, then your place is no longer guaranteed.
Need time to pay? If you would like to attend but cannot afford to pay all at once, please contact Sam sambaker.pa@gmail.com with a payment plan (e.g £100 a month)
Observer Participant Places There may be observer participant places at £190 (plus the cost of your accommodation). NB you do not have a structure yourself but participate fully in every other way.
Cost of Accommodation from £499 for a single person (or from £445 per person for couples). This covers your accommodation with full board (see options below under sleeping and food) per person including accommodation, food (vegetarian, and all hot drinks).
To Book A Place To pay a £350 (Non-Refundable) deposit click here and make your final payment no later than 6th September. If full payment has not been received by that date then your place is no longer guaranteed. The exception to this is for those who have arranged a payment plan.
Covid Precautions
Assuming that Covid is still an issue, Juliet will require everyone to take a lateral flow test before coming, and may require a further lateral flow test to be taken halfway through the week as well. You will have your temperature taken every morning of the workshop. In the event of a positive lateral flow test or a high temperature see here https://therapyandcounselling.co.uk/covid-19-and-pbsp/ She will also ask people at the start of the workshop if they are ‘red, orange or green’ in relation to contact – (red is keeping 1+ metres distance and wearing a mask at all times, orange is being cautious, green is having normal contact).
Food: The food is vegetarian, and is included in the costs. There is no dinner on your arrival night, please bring a picnic. Breakfast lunch and dinner will be provided on all the other days, and lunch will be provided on the final day.
Drinks: There are unlimited hot drinks provided.
Special Diets: There are two types of special diets.
Standard Generic Special Diet (SGSD): To have a special diet which is a standard gluten free, standard wheat free, or standard dairy free the cost is £12 (if you prefer a combination of these, just let us know – eg gluten free and dairy free is £12.)
Specially Prepared Special Diet (SPSD): To have a specially prepared special diet, eg avoiding certain foods add an extra £33 (which covers all of your meals). If you require this then please send the specific requirements to sambaker.pa@gmail.com
Accommodation Options
- Single En-suite: Single person in a medium sized room on your own with an en-suite bathroom (this price includes a Single Person Supplement) £560.
- Single with Shared Bathroom: Single person in a small room on your own, sharing a bathroom (this price includes a Single Person Supplement) £499.
- Shared Room with En-suite Bathroom: Two people sharing a medium sized room with an en-suite bathroom £490 per person.
- Shared Room – Shared Bathroom: Two people sharing a small room with a twin beds, and a bathroom shared with other people (per person) £445. This option is only open to people who know each other and ask for this at the time of booking.
Check There Are Places please email Sam – sambaker.pa@gmail.com or Juliet to check availability on juliet@therapyandcounselling.co.uk or alternatively phone 01291 638805
To Book a Place on the workshop: Pay a £350 (Non-refundable) deposit click here
The Final Payment will be due before 6th September 2022. If you have not made full payment by then (or agreed a payment plan) then you may lose your place. The next payment is usually made by a bank transfer – if you’d prefer to pay by credit card please let us know.
Helpers Place Juliet is offering one person a ‘helpers place’. They will receive a £50 discount. In return the helper will arrive at 4.30pm on the starting day and help to set up the workshop and stay behind for up to 2 hours on the final day to help clear up and pack Juliet’s car. The helper will take full part in the workshop – but will be the person to do small tasks such as liaise with the kitchen, get the logs for the fire, tidy up the main room at the end of each day, and generally help Juliet and be a back up person as required. If you would like to do this, please check with Juliet.
Continuous Professional Development. CPD forms will be given where requested
Locks on Doors: Please note that at The EarthSpirit Centre they only have bolts on the inside of the doors (i.e. you cannot lock the door when you leave it during the day, but you can lock yourself in at night). If this is of concern, you can leave valuables in Juliet’s car.
Cancellation Cancellations or alterations with more that 90 days notice are subject to a 12.5% handling charge. Cancellations or alterations within 90 days of the workshop are non refundable and non transferrable. The exception to this is below.
Refunds due to Corona Virus
Juliet hopes to have a waiting list, so that if someone has symptoms just before the event and cannot attend, or their region goes into lockdown, their place can be taken by someone else, and they will get a full refund. BUT if there is not a waiting list, then Juliet will not be able to offer any refunds. In the event that Juliet is unwell, or that her region is in lockdown and she is unable to travel, participants will be offered a full refund, or a credit to use on another workshop.
Join the Waiting List
We will be taking a waiting list for this workshop when it is full. If you’d like to be notified if a last minute space comes up (for example, if an area is put into lockdown meaning that someone cannot attend the workshop) then please sign up here https://forms.gle/r6vAVZciS1R49ViYA AND please also email juliet@therapyandcounselling.co.uk
Extra Requirements?
If you have any extra requirements please contact sambaker.pa@gmail.com rather than the contacting the EarthSpirit Centre directly. It is easiest if all arrangements are made through our office rather than contacting the venue.