Participants can attend just one module of two days (three short days if online), or they can attend all six modules. Attending the full six modules leads to a Certificate In Couples Therapy
Written in an email by Sarah Sherman BA (Hons) MBACP, Crookham Counselling.
I attended your certificate in couples training years ago. It’s invaluable to me. I’ve been working with couples for about 6 years now and I still refer back to my course work. I have In fact created a kind of homework course from my work that couples loosely follow and it’s been very successful so thank you.
From Shelley, after completing the full 6 modules
So much goes into these workshops, the passion, generosity (in terms of knowledge sharing) and encouragement from all of the facilitators – and the content! Just Wow! Both in terms of on the day powerpoints etc and also of the second sets of handouts following each module. Really wonderful. I enjoyed them immensely and was challenged and informed too.
Feedback from Ros Saunders Counselling Service
Thank you so much for delivering these workshops and for all the work you must have put in & continue to do to keep them up to date. I have benefitted greatly from the information, insight & resources offered & given. My confidence in couples counselling has been hugely enhanced by your workshops & I continue to recommend them to my peers.
Feedback from a counsellor in Southampton
I feel this training has been excellent, and importantly, useful in all of my work which so far is with individuals. It is after all relationship counselling and almost every one of my clients is in/has been/wishes to be in a relationship and my learning from these workshops has helped most of my clients in one way or another. And last week, I began working with my first couple! I did feel nervous and somewhat daunted but did know that I have all the skills/tools/knowledge I need to do my best by them. Two sessions in and I’m loving it! Thank you for producing such an excellent training and I’m grateful to you for delivering it so brilliantly.
Feedback from Sheila Loxham – a therapist who did half the modules face to face and half of them online
“Juliet, thank you so much for creating such an excellent programme, which is packed with useful, insightful and up to date information, designed for maximum experiential learning – even on line – and professionally and compassionately run. I have learnt so much and grown so much thanks to you. I feel more than ready to set up in private practice and start helping couples learn how to overcome their difficulties together and to thrive in their relationships. This is my deepest wish for my own professional journey.”
Feedback from Helen Stephenson on completion of all 6 modules, some face to face and some online
“I have so much enjoyed taking part in the training. And the experience of doing it online was far better than I had anticipated. I have learnt a huge amount and have skills to take forward into my practice. My supervisor yesterday commented on how much I have grown in confidence and depth of knowledge through this training, that was very encouraging to hear. Thank you especially for your efficient and kind enabling of the training, for all the emails and resources and personal responses. I have already recommended the training to others and will continue to do so.”
Audio clip from Kate McGeever: Psychotherapist about the Certificate in Couples Therapy designed by Juliet Grayson: click here
Feedback from the two-day module: The Fundamentals of Working With Couples
Feedback from the two-day module: Couples in Conflict
Feedback from the two-day module: Dealing With Affairs
Feedback from the two-day module: Meeting Their Partner’s Needs
One of the first graduates of the Certificate in Couples Therapy: who completed all 6 modules: London Psychotherapist and Supervisor
“I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your couples training course and I know that I’ve said it many, many time, but I feel so blessed to have had the experience of meeting you, being trained by you and I thank you so much for all of your generosity. You give so much in your trainings, on every level and you truly are a most beautiful human being and I am grateful to you so much more than I can find the words to say. Although I do believe that you have a sense of what I am trying to express and as I said last week at the end of the training, I would be having serious withdrawal now, but I know that I’m coming on your next training day in July!” London Psychotherapist and Supervisor
Photo Credit © Supriya Patel