Do you discuss sex with your clients?

Juliet is giving this talk

Thursday, December 15, 2022
13:00 – 15:00 GMT

Pre Purchase A Recording Of The Live Talk Here £10.00

What Juliet Grayson discovered when talking to ‘general’ therapists, is that most of them will wait for the client to raise sexual issues.  However, clients who come for psychosexual therapy say they were unable to raise the topic of sex with their one-to-one therapist, because the therapist gave no indication that they were willing to explore that area.  So, although it is a very important part of life that we all have to deal with, sex often gets left out of the therapy room.  This talk is for those therapists that get brave enough to ask their clients about their sex lives.  

Get tickets to the live talk here From £1 – £20. These tickets are sold on a self-select fee, which is a radical inclusion policy to open learning for all colleagues. The guide price for this event is £20.00, however, we appreciate that income varies greatly in different locations and circumstances. Please contribute what you can to help us maintain inclusive professional training.

Juliet will briefly cover the kinds of sexual issues that therapists could, with good supervision (perhaps from a specialist supervisor) work on with their clients.  She will also cover the issues that should be referred on to a psychosexual therapist – because more specialist help is needed.  She will go on to talk through the kinds of ‘treatment’ that a psychosexual therapist might offer.  

The aim is to:

  • broaden your knowledge and understanding
  • get clearer about when to refer on
  • develop your confidence in this area
  • help you begin to think through what sexual issues you can work on with a client
  • Broaden your thinking about the sexual issues that you can, and cannot work with
  • Understand what a psychosexual therapist might do when client’s present with particular sexual issues
  • Develop confidence in discussing sex with your clients
  • For Any therapist who is in clinical practice or in training
  • The impact will be Bring discussions of sex into the therapy room

Juliet Grayson is a psychosexual psychotherapist, coach, teacher, and has worked as a psychotherapist since 1991. She specialises in working with couples and sexual problems. As a psychotherapist she is UKCP registered, NLPTCA accredited, COSRT accredited, and PBSP accredited. She has a private practice in South Wales (UK) and on Zoom. Juliet designed and runs (alongside her team) a six modular programme (when online each module is 3 short days). This teaches therapists, counsellors, psychologists, coaches, and health professionals how to work with couples and relationship issues. This course is approved by COSRT for CPD.

Juliet was a co-founder of StopSO (Specialist Treatment Organisation for Perpetrators and Survivors of Sexual Offences). StopSO has a UK wide network of psychotherapists and counsellors who offer therapy in the community for those at risk of sexual offending or re-offending. The aim of StopSO is to help potential perpetrators in order to stop new victims of sexual abuse from being created. This is a cost effective way of protecting society.

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