Feedback From Poetry Healing and Emotion: Unlocking Feeling and Creativity with William Ayot

Comments From William Ayot’s Poetry Healing and Emotion

Score for ‘How delighted were you with the day’ averaged 9.2 out of 10

For anyone who wants to explore being themselves through poetry then Williams work is mandatory and unmissable…Duncan Psychotherapist and Poet

This was a powerful day of embodied artwork exploration. Just bring yourself and the day does the rest. The success is in large part due to the superb facilitation style of William and a well structured day.

William is honest, open and inspiring. His workshop is a lovely interweaving of structure and the unknown.

A wonderful opportunity to create, connect and share from your soul. Shirley, Reading.

I was left wanting to do more writing, more poetry, more workshops. I realise that I would not only benefit personally (and professionally) in my life, I would also enjoy it. It did me good! Thank you

The exercise of reading poetry aloud was really powerful for me. I was also aware of a theme running through the day which was new to me and useful for my personal process. Susan, transpersonal psychotherapist

Insight into what stops me “”taking risks with my significance”” with my own creative output. Bolder use of poetry in therapeutic work, for example reading the poem out loud myself and/or inviting client to read the poem out loud to embody it. Having a range of poems to draw on and encouraging clients to choose one as “”homework”.

Writing was a confidence booster and clearly engaging a part of the mind that regularly needs visiting – the beautiful peak events and experiences in danger of being forgotten – bringing them into focus does healing work all by itself I think if I remember my neuroscience correctly

I think above all I came away with an embodied experience of being in relationship with feelings and a powerful visceral sensation of realising that I can’t change a feeling….. a bad feeling is a bad feeling. It is me that changes and not the feeling. The workshop’s structure enabled me to find I was experiencing being in the client’s role and gaining insight from this. This allowed me to get inside of the experience and therefore has opened up possibilities of how to use creative writing in my work. It also felt a luxury to be safely able to experience the power of creativity/art which I use already in my work but am necessarily engaged with ‘from the other side’

It was a day of refreshment mostly for me – lovely to have a CPD day that wasn’t just note taking on the latest theory but full of creativity and insight

The workshop re-introduced me to poetry and my own practice of writing; the exercises and William’s openness and style of facilitation gave me, in some small way, the opportunity to look at my own issues and process anew – without ‘re-entry’ I have gained more confidence to use poetry / story in my work with clients. knowledge experience and Encouragement through exercises

As a creativity coach it was interesting to see the common threads running through what William does with poetry and what I do with painting and drawing. There seems to be some clear shared values and beliefs that underpin our practice. There was some interesting lessons around language structure that doesn’t always get taught in schools. It was new to me and I am now in a position to pass those lessons onto my children aged 7 and 9.

“Being a wanna be poet and not in practice is was a great way to open myself up to different ways to lock into writing emotionally. As a guy looking to develop in men’s work it was a priceless experience to see William at work.” Duncan, Basingstoke, Therapist and Poet(Ish)

I found the sharing of techniques very useful as I will use them for my own writing and self expression, and maybe with clients. I appreciated having the time and space with structure to explore complex emotions and find new expression. William is honest, open and inspiring. His workshop is a lovely interweaving of structure and the unknown. Amanda Nash, psychotherapist South Wales

Psychotherapy is about the relationship between language and feeling – this course clarifies this relationship in ways which are useful to both therapist and client. No technique, no bullshit. I had a very satisfying realisation of where I am emotionally, what feelings are okay for me and the relationship between me and creativity – also ways I can use with clients – I need to sit and reflect on this and go over my notes. Adrian Longstaffe – psychotherapist