Bristol: GAB Group 2019: Year 10
THIS GROUP IS NOW FULL FOR THIS YEAR (year ending October 2019)
Commitment: 6 days in three blocks of two days each (This group has already met for 2 days. The group still has spaces for new members and guests)
Timings: 9.15 for 9.30 start – 7 on day 1, 9.00 for 9.15 start – 7 on day 2.
Venues: 29 Stonehill, Hanham, Bristol, BS15 3GP
Thursday, Friday: 11th & 12th July
Thursday, Friday: 17th & 18th October
- Attend all modules and have 3 structures £1250
- Attend all modules and have 2 structures £1000
- Attend all modules and have 1 structure £750
CLICK HERE TO PAY a £70 deposit to guarantee your place
GUEST: To attend for just one module…including having a structure (a client session) the cost will be £420. This is only permitted if the group is not full. Priority is given to those who wish to attend all the modules.
IF A GUEST DECIDES TO BECOME A REGULAR GROUP MEMBER: Clients may join for one module as a ‘guest having a structure’ and then decide if they wish to continue. If they choose to stop at one module the fee will be £420. If they wish to continue (subject to space in the group) they will pay the full amount stated above (eg £1250 if they choose to join for 3 modules and have 3 structures)
- If you want to pay over time, we suggest a deposit (CLICK HERE TO PAY a £70 deposit) plus post-dated cheques, … dated 1 May and 1 July and 1st September. Please make the cheques payable to Interaction Training Ltd, and send to Juliet Grayson, Courtyard House, Moynes Court, Mathern, Gwent, NP16 6HZ
- Pay by credit card over the phone (call 01291 638805)
- Call Sam to discuss another payment option if necessary (01291 638805)
Facilitator: Juliet Grayson UKCP Registered NLPtCA & COSRT Accredited Psychotherapist and one of the first PBSP Accredited Trainers in the UK.
The Commitment: Once you ‘sign up’, even if you cannot attend, you will pay for all 8 days. You are expected to be there for all the days, and to stay for the full day, unless you have made a prior agreement with Juliet.
A similar arrangement is in place if the group is not full and you are attending just one module – that once you sign up the place is not transferable, and there will not be a refund for changes made within 6 weeks of that module.
Clear Up: You will be asked to help Juliet ‘clear up’ and load the car at the end of one of the modules. This will take approximately 45 minutes.
The Purpose: of the group is personal development and to allow the group dynamics of support and trust to grow. This powerful yet respectful method provides huge opportunities for resolving personal issues. Juliet will predominantly use PBSP but may use other methods if they seem more applicable to a particular issue.
Lunch: Please bring a packed lunch with you. The cost of lunch is not included in these fees
Contact: Juliet Grayson 01291 638805 07770964864