PBSP Using Touch in Therapy

Juliet Grayson: A one hour webinar interview
She uses video clips from a client session to illustrate the work


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During this talk, Juliet Grayson is interviewed by John Wilson of Online Events.  She uses a video that shows the use of touch during a Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy (PBSP) client session. In PBSP, this is done not by the therapist but using group members who role play Ideal Figures.

Whereas most therapies give clients coping strategies, PBSP offers clients the opportunity to imagine and symbolically experience having had a different kind of childhood. This was demonstrated in the short video used in this webinar.

As the trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk said of experiencing PBSP as a client: “I’d spent several years in psychoanalysis, so I did not expect any major revelations. Then, on the conclusion of his session, he reported a dramatic body-mind event typical of Pesso psychotherapy. Instantaneously, I felt a deep release in my body, the constriction in my chest eased, and my breathing became relaxed. That was the moment I decided to become Pessos student.”

During Juliet’s talk we see more details of a PBSP client session (called a structure), and you see in the video, the way we build this up, and the shifts that the client makes. Juliet pauses the video to comment on the techniques and what we are seeing.